A Conversation With Solo Artist, Proxy

Being a solo artist at the moment, can you walk us through how you record your music? 

Usually, I’ll start with the guitar and drums. I don’t have a kit right now so I’ll program something for drums that I can track the guitars too. Once I get the guitars down, I usually do bass and then go back to the drums to tighten everything up. Making sure all the kicks are right on with guitars and bass and the arrangement is tight. I’ll do a light mix on the music and then come back and start writing/tracking vocals.

I don’t actually write any lyrics down. I record as I go and make stuff up on the spot. I feel that way for me is easier to remember what I wrote and helps with keeping everything in the moment. I'm able to stay in that flow of creativity rather than taking time to go back and write words down to the music. After I get scratch vocals down, I’ll go back and perform them for the final version. Then I move on to the mixing and mastering process. I’ll spare the details of that because most people find sound engineering boring. 

Do you have any intentions of finding band members or are you happy with Proxy being a one-man band?

I’m definitely looking for band members. I love nothing more than bringing the songs to life and performing them live. Though I wouldn’t mind if I had a revolving door when it came to whoever is in the band. Of course, that depends on the people I find to play with me. If the vibe is right and the chemistry is good I would love to bring anyone in as a permanent fixture.

What else is in store for Proxy in the upcoming months? Shows? New Music? Videos?

Well, I’m constantly writing and recording so I have no shortage of songs to put out. I’m working on a few right now that will cap off this self-titled EP. I have no release date for that yet and I’m not sure how I’ll end up even putting that out. 

I’m working on mixing and mastering the next single coming out after “Don’t Let Me Die in New Jersey”. So, I'm always one step ahead of whatever I release. That really helps my workflow being that I do everything myself. I can focus all my energy on one song at a time and make sure that song gets the love and attention it needs up to the release.

Clearly, the song is about leaving New Jersey. What set you off to make the initial move and jump ship from the state?

Well, I’ve always been one to travel and move. I’ve always had the itch to get out of where I am and go get some new experiences and see how life is outside of what I know. I watched the music scene (in NJ) back in the early to mid 00’s go from amazing to dead. Once that dried up I was ready to go. That’s always my north star. Wherever the music is happening that's where I want to be.

Being from the northeast and moving to Tennessee, how has the transition been?

It’s been great! I love the vibe of the south. No offense to my people back home but, the south is a lot nicer. I definitely love a lot of things about NJ/Philly and I’m glad to be from there but, it's really nice to be able to switch lanes on a highway without someone cutting you off and not letting you merge haha!

Any bands from NJ or TN you recommend the readers to check out?

Most of the bands I loved from NJ don’t play anymore. I’m pretty out of the loop with who's hot back there. I know they are there because there is never a shortage of great bands from that area. I just don’t know them sadly. 

As far as TN goes I haven’t found any yet! I know that's crazy for someone living in Nashville being that you can throw a rock and hit a band. The pandemic really screwed up live shows (no duh Ryan) so it stifled me from going out and finding the scene. There is this one band called Proxy though, I heard of them and apparently, they make decent music.

Keep up with Proxy on his socials listed below!

Website | Instagram | YouTube | Spotify


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