ROLE MODEL Stops in Phoenix, AZ on Tourever 2021

On Monday, November 8th, ROLE MODEL who is also known as Tucker Pillsbury made a stop in Phoenix, AZ. After being upgraded to a larger venue from a small club this was the largest Tourever 2021 show and the fans definitely made it known.

With fans chanting his name, Tucker, as he took the stage you could tell that it was going to be a good night. Opening the night with fan favorite, “death wish” the crowd was going wild. Everyone was dancing and singing along having tons of fun even though it was a Monday which Pillsbury joked about during his set. Throughout the night fans showered him in gifts most of them being small things like friendship bracelets but a few fans tossed decorated cowboy hats onto the stage which he lined up. At the end of the show, he debated between a pink cowboy hat and a black one with the black cowboy hat ultimately winning the debate. Pillsbury also performed a few of his most popular songs such as “blind” and “forever&more”.

As we await his next tour announcement, make sure to keep up with ROLE MODEL on all of his socials listed below!

Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube | Spotify

Get to know our Co-Founder/Co-Owner, Photographer; Devon Munro Instagram | Website | Twitter

Devon Munro

Co-Founder, Co-Owner; & Photographer

Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, Devon has had a camera in her hands at all times since the age of four. Growing up, her dad was always showing her different kinds of music and is one of the main reasons that she fell in love with the music industry. Her mother also introduced her to the world of photography and helped her learn everything that she could to better her craft. After realizing she could combine the two she found her passion.

Death Moth Press was an idea that seemed so far away but now it’s here!


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