Illusion of Grandeur Release Music for Single “The Wolf”


Illusions of Grandeur hail from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, but no doubt they would feel just at home in the ancient pagan lands of legend. The band mixes Greek and Norse mythology to write heavy songs featuring such fantastic elements such as Viking warriors, sirens, archangels, and Kharon, “the Ferryman” who carries souls over the River Styx and into the afterlife.

This warrior aesthetic carries into their visual style as well. They identify as a “theatrical hard rock/fantasy metal band.” Vocalist Maggie Carlton looks like a Viking shield maiden ready to fight with a war cry that would shake the bones of a grizzled warrior. The excitement they bring on stage has led Illusions of Grandeur to not just tour across the United States but play European music festivals as well. Illusions of Grandeur have shared the stage with notable bands like DOPE, New Year’s Day, Motograter, September Mourning, Puddle of Mud, and Otep. It’s these live shows that have earned the band a fiercely loyal following dubbed, “the Siren Nation.’’

In their debut album, “Songs of the Siren”, the intensity Illusions of Grandeur put out on their stage show is channeled into 15 tracks that are eerily, melodic as they are hard-hitting. The concept of the album tells the story of a female winged creature known as a siren. When the god of the underworld abducts the beautiful Persephone, the siren has her wings torn off as punishment for failing to protect her. The siren is now on a mission to rescue Persephone and return her to their heavenly home. Upon reaching the seas, the siren develops scales and fins and transforms into a mermaid with a voice irresistible to mortal men.

As an album, “Songs of the Siren” is rather a high concept. The lore of Illusions of Grandeur goes even deeper as, “Songs of the Siren,” is the first part of a planned trilogy that the band plans to record. Few bands are as ambitious as Illusions of Grandeur to not only invent new mythology to write songs about but also attempt to create an entire series around it.

A taste of the visual artistry that Illusions of Grandeur craft into their stage performances can be experienced through their dramatic music videos. Their most recent video for the song, “The Wolf”, has Maggie Carlton wielding a sword and shield against another beautiful woman decked out in white wolf fur. As they battle Julian Yeager shreds his guitar while backed by Ted Domzalski on drums and CM Carrol on bass. The beat is thunderous while Carlton’s banshee voice is in fine form. The video for, “The Wolf,” showcases enough of the unique elements that Illusions of Grandeur have used to cultivate a devoted fan base. It will surely attract even more people into the dark and magical world that they have created.

Keep up with Illusions of Grandeur on their socials below!

Website | Instagram | Twitter | Spotify

Get to know our Writer, Andres Schiffino Instagram

Andres Schiffino


Queens, NY-based writer, Andres Schiffino has long been drawn to outlaws and mavericks in fringes of pop culture. In his career he has reviewed underground films, interviewed counterculture figures, reported on emerging artistic movements and examined alternative lifestyles and subcultures. Death Moth Press give him an to discover new musical artists who will inspire him and other creatives to push their own art further.

IG: devilish.dre

X: AndresSchiffino


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