Sleeping With Sirens Plays Sold Out Show in Mesa, AZ

On Monday, October 17th, 2022, Sleeping With Sirens played a sold-out show in Mesa, AZ, at The Nile Theatre with support from True North. The band is currently on tour to promote the release of their eighth album after thirteen years together, COMPLETE COLLAPSE. They are playing a string of intimate shows throughout the United States, and fans are all pumped to be up close and personal in these smaller venues.

Kicking off their set with “Break Me Down,” fans knew that they were in for a treat the second the music started. The hundred-year-old venue was packed from front to back, but the crowd still found a way to form a mosh pit in the middle. The energy coursed throughout the crowd as everyone sang along to classic Sleeping With Sirens songs like “Better Off Dead” and “Do It Now Remember Later.”

Per usual, the band took a break while lead singer Kellin Quinn and guitarist Nick Martin played a couple of songs acoustically, which is always a treat. They played a couple of songs off of “If You Were A Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack,” as well as a cover of “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls. At one point, Nick Martin even played a tune that appeared to be Spanish inspired while the room danced along to it. You will always see something fun when you attend a Sleeping With Sirens show.

As the night came to an end, the energy did not die down, and you could see the joy on fans’ faces as they watched the band walk back on stage to play an encore. Closing out their set with “If I’m James Dean, You’re Aubrey Hepburn” and “If You Can’t Hang,” the crowd sang back as loud as possible. As a fan who has been attending Sleeping With Sirens shows since I was twelve and listened to the band before then, this was not a night to forget and a great way to hit my tenth show milestone. We all look forward to what is to come next for the band.

Keep up with Sleeping With Sirens on their socials below, and make sure to stream COMPLETE COLLAPSE out now!

Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify

Get to know our Co-Founder/Co-Owner, Photographer; Devon Munro Instagram | Website | Twitter

Devon Munro

Co-Founder, Co-Owner; & Photographer

Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, Devon has had a camera in her hands at all times since the age of four. Growing up, her dad was always showing her different kinds of music and is one of the main reasons that she fell in love with the music industry. Her mother also introduced her to the world of photography and helped her learn everything that she could to better her craft. After realizing she could combine the two she found her passion.

Death Moth Press was an idea that seemed so far away but now it’s here!


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