Voodoo Black Exorcist Gear Up For Release of ‘Psychic Vampire’

Do you like your music to sound strange and ethereal and be heavily influenced by obscure cinema and occult teachings? If so, then the mysterious duo of Voodoo Black Exorcist may be what you are looking for. The band is made up of Johnny Alucard and High Priestess Faust. The pair originate from Darlington, England, a rural area that probably has its fair share of folk horror-type death cults performing dark rituals in the countryside. 

Voodoo Black Exorcist cites horror films as a source of inspiration for both the group’s lyrical and visual presentation. Fans of B-movies will recognize the group’s name as coming from one of the lower-quality European exploitation films from the seventies. As questionable as some of their film viewing choices may be, their music does have lots of talent behind it.

Musically Black Voodoo Exorcist have a sound that is at times reminiscent of 70s-era krautrock. Other influences that are evident in their music are early industrial pioneers Psychic TV and Lou Reed during his noise rock phase. Voodoo Black Exorcist also cites the 90s alt-rock of Nirvana and the jazz fusion of the Mahavishnu Orchestra as inspirations. Johnny Alucard plays all the instruments, and High Priestess Faust provides haunting vocals.

Formed in 2021, Black Voodoo Exorcist has so far only released two music videos. The videos are done in a style reminiscent of both German Expressionism and Kenneth Anger-style psychedelia. Their first video was “Mega Vulva.” The video depicts an ominous-looking hooded figure performing a ritual in a cemetery. The tone shifts gear with the hooded figure now skipping around a carnival, visiting a casino, dancing, and playing guitar. This playfulness is part of Voodoo Black Exorcist’s irreverent attitude to their music. The sophomore video from Voodoo Black Exorcist is “Psychic Vampire.” The video shows a clear influence from the classic silent film horror films The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Vampyr. The inaugural Tees Valley International Film Festival valued “Psychic Vampire” enough to select it for Best Music Video.

With a great deal of positive buzz behind them now, Voodoo Black Exorcist has announced the release of their debut EP on January 16, 2023. 

Keep up with Voodoo Black Exorcist on their socials linked below!

Website | Bandcamp | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Get to know our Writer, Andres Schiffino Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

Andres Schiffino


Queens, NY-based writer, Andres Schiffino has long been drawn to outlaws and mavericks in fringes of pop culture. In his career he has reviewed underground films, interviewed counterculture figures, reported on emerging artistic movements and examined alternative lifestyles and subcultures. Death Moth Press give him an to discover new musical artists who will inspire him and other creatives to push their own art further.

IG: devilish.dre

X: AndresSchiffino


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