All Systems Go Release "Don't Let Me Go"

On January 7th, 2022, New Jersey pop-punk group All Systems Go released a new single, “Don’t Let Me Go”. Paired with a music video released on January 14th, this song is a motivating and hopeful song through times of struggle.

All Systems Go said it best: “The two central themes to any pop-punk banger are hating your town and loving your friends.” This time, they took the “loving your friends” route. “Don’t Let Me Go” is a song about your support system that keeps you trying and surviving. An uplifting song lyrically and musically, it’s catchy and it’s the perfect motivation through hard times. It shines with the quintessential pop-punk themes and sounds, with beautifully performed guitar riffs and lines paired with some light yet powerful percussion. 

I always have a great time listening to All Systems Go. As an avid pop-punk fan, I can’t help but dance and bob my head to their music. They give me the feeling that I imagine original All Time Low fans felt listening to this genre for the first time -“wow, someone gets it”, “I hate my hometown too”, blaring-Therapy-on-long-car-drives moods - but for a modern generation. There’s this nostalgia that I get when I listen to other pop-punk bands, but it’s actually for me at this very moment. There is a freshness to their sound while still maintaining that pop-punk pattern expectation, and I love it. 

After years of being a band and going through the struggle of being a small-scale artist and a creator during a pandemic, All Systems Go continues to prove themselves as an up-and-coming band in the pop-punk scene. These four friends who have been performing together since high school show us how important a tight-knit crew is - both in their success as a band and in this new single. 

Make sure to follow All Systems Go on their socials listed below!

Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Spotify

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