Broadside On Their First Headlining Tour

On Saturday, July 23rd, Broadside made a stop in Phoenix, AZ, at The Rebel Lounge on their first ever headlining Into The Raging Sea tour. Starting the night off was local musician Rio Wiley who got the crowd going as fans filled out the venue. Up next was Cherie Amour before another local artist, First And Forever. Both bands put on great sets that had the crowd going. Lastly, before Broadside took the stage was Young Culture, who solidified the mood for the night. The room was buzzing, and fans were bopping to the music in anticipation of Broadside taking the stage.

If you have never heard “Coffee Talk” or “I Love You, I Love You. It’s Disgusting” then you are missing out. The Virginian pop-punk band, Broadside sure know how to get a crowd going. From the second that they stepped on stage until their set ended you could tell that everyone in the venue was enjoying themselves. Singing along to their songs and dancing in the small space everyone had smiles plasters across their faces. Whether fans had been listening to the band for years or had found them just recently they played songs that everyone would know. The classics which I have previously mentioned and newer songs like “The Raging Sea” and “The Setting Sun” which they closed their set out with. It wasn’t just the fans who were enjoying themselves too, you could tell that the band was having fun and when lead singer Oliver Baxxter took a break to play acoustic song, “I Love You, I Love You. It’s Disgusting” he spoke lovingly of his fiancé and her battle with breast cancer. If you have the chance to see Broadside next time they are in town don’t miss them!

Keep up with Broadside on their socials linked below!

Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify

Get to know our Co-Founder/Co-Owner, Photographer; Devon Munro Instagram | Website | Twitter

Devon Munro

Co-Founder, Co-Owner; & Photographer

Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, Devon has had a camera in her hands at all times since the age of four. Growing up, her dad was always showing her different kinds of music and is one of the main reasons that she fell in love with the music industry. Her mother also introduced her to the world of photography and helped her learn everything that she could to better her craft. After realizing she could combine the two she found her passion.

Death Moth Press was an idea that seemed so far away but now it’s here!


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