Catharsis, The New Album From Math-Rock Trio Covet

Photo Credit: Eli Chavez

Catharsis is part of leading the pack in the ways of technical post-rock, little to no lyrics are sung so the intricate guitar can take its place in the spotlight. Being in the ranks with bands like Polyphia, (whom they also supported on tours in the past) the subgenre is on the rise and getting stronger. 

Formed in 2018 by talented lead guitarist, Yvette Young, the band has released two albums, Efflorance (2018) and Technicolor (2020). The group also changed their line-up in late 2021 right before starting the Rebirth tour with Brandon Dove on bass and Jessica Burdeaux on drums, the change being described as a ‘rebirth’ which in turn became the name of the tour. 

Firebird is the first single to promote the release, this tune encapsulates the band as a whole, with upbeat melodies that feels like sunshine being shot into your veins. Sunset afternoons, vinyl shopping and the beach are the vibes within the video the matches the song to a T.

We did a lot of risk-taking on this album. I try to follow what excites me without heeding anybody’s expectations. I’m leaning into melodies, tones, and textures and trying to use them to transport listeners. The whole concept is escaping into a fantasy realm where the songs depict different characters and their own worlds. Each song is like their theme song. It’s mostly instrumental, but when you close your eyes, I hope people will be transported into the character’s story. Music has always been escapism for me and a great source of therapy. My hope for this music is that it will take people somewhere and stir their imaginations, or at the very least, make them feel something. I named this record ‘catharsis’ because the word to me feels like a triumphant exodus. No matter the dire circumstances, music is one of those things that I’ve always needed to create to survive (in all senses of the word), and time and time again, I turn to guitar and songwriting as my outlet to uplift and feel like I have control over something in this chaotic universe.
— Yvette Young says
catharsis tracklist:

1.    coronal
2.    firebird
3.    bronco
4.    vanquish
5.    interlude
6.    smolder
7.    merlin
8.    lovespell
Album Cover Painted by Yvette Young
Catharsis drops everywhere April 7th
Covet will be on tour April 7- May 12th with support from Scarypoolparty and altopalo
Jenica Lawson

Photographer & Writer

My love for concert photography came from my scrolling on tumblr in my high school years, growing more after attending Warped Tour in 2012. Earning my associates degree in the arts from Cochise College in 2017, I started hunting for my next goal. I began my photojournalism journey in 2019 after working for my local newspaper taking shots of anyone and anything. I have a background of short documentaries, video interviewing and editorial shots. My friends tell me I have a plethora of band/music knowledge that I now hope to put to good use.

Online Superstars, Loveless, Sign with BMG


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