Lia Hide Releases “Proposal”

Avant-garde pop singer and songwriter Lia Hide uses her music to explore deep philosophical questions. This is no clearer than in her latest single, “Proposal.” The video depicts the members of her three-piece band in separate rooms getting dressed for dinner. This is the first chapter of the trilogy called the Timeaus Sonata with the dinner part to be shown in a later video titled “Dinner.” The three chapters are meant to illustrate Plato’s Timeaus dialogue.

For those who didn’t take classical philosophy back in college, The Timeaus dialogue describes a dinner party hosted by Socrates in which he invites four fellow philosophers, of which only three show up,  to debate the Atlantean War, the purpose, properties, and elements of the universe, the concept of the World Soul and the nature of the physical world among other things. It has been suggested by modern scholars that there is a deeper, hidden meaning within the Timeaus dialogue, and this secret knowledge is represented by the missing fourth dinner guest. Much has been made of Socrates’ cryptic statement to his guests about the missing fourth member; “then if he is not coming, you and the two others must supply his place.” According to the theory, if early scholars had kept music and mathematics in mind when investigating Plato’s text, it would have altered western music as we know it.

This is a remarkably high concept and can be quite intimidating to ponder, but Lia Hide is such a talented composer and engaging performer that even if you intellectually think about the concept in her music, you can still feel it in her notes and the way she plays them. The dark alt music of Lia Hide is often compared to simpatico acts such as Portishead, Florence, and the Machine, Nick Cave, Tori Amos, Radiohead, and Archive.

The native-born Greek artist divides her time between Athens, Greece, and London, UK. She has worked with many talented musicians and producers, from both the local Greek community and the international music scene including Tricky, Joseph van Wissem, Anneke van Giersbergen, Kadebostany, KBHTA, Keep Shelly, Molly Nilsson, and Kovacs. The video for “Proposal” shows how wise Hide is in choosing talent to work with as she tapped video creators Kiss The Frog to bring the concepts behind the song to life. The song was mixed by Yiannis Lampropoulos who has worked on Lia Hide’s earlier albums, Home released on EMI-Universal, and Everyone Seems to Know Who I Am, and Tells No Fairytales, both on Hide’s on DontHideMe label. Her latest album, The Missing Forth Guest will be out on 4/4/2022.

Keep up with Lia Hide on her socials listed below!

Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify

Get to know our Writer, Andres Schiffino Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

Andres Schiffino


Queens, NY-based writer, Andres Schiffino has long been drawn to outlaws and mavericks in fringes of pop culture. In his career he has reviewed underground films, interviewed counterculture figures, reported on emerging artistic movements and examined alternative lifestyles and subcultures. Death Moth Press give him an to discover new musical artists who will inspire him and other creatives to push their own art further.

IG: devilish.dre

X: AndresSchiffino


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